Topical Authority in SEO in 2024

Topical authority is a crucial aspect of SEO that requires time, strategy, and dedication to enhance keyword rankings and boost website traffic. As SEO professionals, we all strive for it because it signifies that we have gained the trust and interest of users, which is no small feat! The way we achieve topical authority varies depending on the industry, topic, and the specific areas where our websites lack.

seo topical authority news 2024

What is topical authority and how do we provision for it?

Topical authority refers to a website's ability to showcase expertise in a specific keyword theme or topic. This is determined by factors such as knowledge, credibility, trustworthiness, persistence, and more, which are all crucial to users. Over the past decade, the significance of topical authority has increased as Google has moved away from solely matching exact keywords to understanding the context of search queries. This shift is evident in updates like the Helpful Content Update and Google's emphasis on content that demonstrates E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).

2024, SGE, being topical, there’s a lot to consider!

Last year was a significant one in the world of generative AI, and this year we'll witness the introduction of new changes that could impact how SEOs approach optimizing for topical authority. With various AI startups, updates to ChatGPT, and the rollout of Microsoft's "Copilot," Google has been experimenting with both Bard and Search Generative Experience (SGE). SGE, in particular, presents an interesting challenge for SEOs as it generates AI-written answers sourced from content that may not always appear on the first page of the SERPs. SGE also provides follow-up questions and filters for users to refine their searches. This creates a unique opportunity for ecommerce sites and content creators to include as much distinct and easily understandable information on their pages as possible, in the hopes of being featured in these results. In terms of topical authority, this means that SEOs will need to stay competitive and attentive to the various nuances of SGE, learning from competitors and addressing as many aspects of a given topic as they can. In addition to SGE, featured snippets and FAQs still appear in the SERPs, albeit lower down in the results, with SGE taking the top spot in the current beta implementation. Answering "People Also Ask" questions in your content strategy, and going beyond that to provide answers to other questions that you know your audience has, remains an effective tactic that caters to what users and your audience are searching for. Speaking of the audience, embracing user-generated content remains a crucial aspect of your topical authority strategy. Reddit threads, YouTube videos, and other user-generated content frequently appear in the SERPs. When other people engage and talk about your brand, it can enhance your trustworthiness and authority. Adding comments or reviews from users to your site, especially when they are carefully selected to include relevant keywords, can give your site that unique touch that sets it apart from competitors and aligns with E-E-A-T principles.


That’s all from us today folks, 2024 will be a turbulent year with the likes of SGE, but we need to provision for big changes. Content is still very much king. If you’d like to talk to us about your SEO strategy and how to use topical authority and prepare for SGE for your business, drop us a line below. If you’re new here, check out our work!


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